Portrait in White

Monday, December 03, 2007

Have I mentioned how much I love winter, lol? It's my favorite season! Everything settles down during winter (except crazy drivers) and the snow muffles everything. It's the time for baking pies and cookies, stewing soups and pot meals, and baking bread and biscuits. The kids are indoors and it is very cozy with them cuddled together in the living room working on their lessons.

It's snowing now. From time to time, great big bursts of white fluff fall down as if angels are shaking out their pillows. Here's my arbor under ice today.


I feel sorry for the mailmen, though. My husband has asked me not to go out today, not even to get milk. The van's snow tires aren't installed yet, and he says the roads are slick today. Once in a while the wind really picks up and you can't see past twenty feet.

So if you are out driving in this, please go cautiously. And please slow down for your mailman. :)
P.S. It helps that you shovel out your mailbox for them.

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