Other Travel Blogs

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I've seen a drastic improvement lately in the travel blog choices while surfing StumbleUpon. I was pleased to see fewer (slightly fewer) airline deals and hotel deals websites, and a few more interesting travelogues. I will say that I have found a few more interesting websites touting cheap rates. I'll tolerate them as long as they are interesting! Here are the latest of interest I'd discovered.

Looking for a person interested in the same areas you like? I thought Find a Travel Companion was neat. I like seeing more social networking sites pop up. There are quite a few for travelers. I loved the map on this site.

I loved surfing around Greek Islands. My hope is to someday visit the Mediterranean, but for now I rely on other travelers who have been there and are gracious enough to share their photos and stories. This site has some lovely photos, especially of Hydra Island. I saw a few links to videos, too, but haven't seen them yet.

I've used the resources at WorldAtlas.com for years, for the children's geography lessons (the outline maps are excellent here). I was surprised to see a World Atlas of Travel featuring deals on flights, and other deals. This goes a little against my grain-- when I want to surf travel blogs, I like to surf travel blogs. But this site is a nice little reference tool. I've handily tucked it in my bookmarks for future reference.

Here's a site that knocked my socks off: Pictures of Places.com. Gorgeous. The photos of Australia are worth viewing. This is going into my Favorites file.

That's a little tidbit of the new and exciting things I've discovered! Stay tuned for more....

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