Well That's Nice to Know

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Looks like my photographs of our travels throughout New York State have become quite popular on the Internet. While searching for information about my travel blogs, I found that scads of people search for, visit, and link to some of my photos. The most popular seem to be our visits to historic military sites and my miscellaneous photos of "old stuff" like old books and personalized jewelry boxes.

I used to play "Photo Hunters" on the other travel blog, a fun Internet scavenger hunt game. We were assigned a word and had to post a related photo and description of the photo. Some of my blog traffic comes directly from the game!

I especially liked showing (and viewing) photos of antiques, heirlooms, old toys, personal keepsakes and very old jewelry, etc. Those things are fascinating to me. I like to imagine what life was like way back when, and these "everyday" types of objects seem to tell the story.

I have almost 6,000 photos on my Flickr account now. :|

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