A Nice (and Free) Photo Sharing Website
Monday, January 18, 2010
I'm testing out a nice photo sharing website I found, called Acobox. (This is not a sponsored post!). I'm trying to add more photos to my blog posts, but I tire of the photographing, downloading, editing, uploading, inserting... wow, that's a lot of work just for a photo, not to mention that it costs money (storage space) to have loads and loads of photos. I have over 3,000 on my Pro Flickr account... and I add more every week. :S
ANYYWAY. Acobox. It looks good. Let's try it. What do you think? :D Do you see any ads for weight loss products or fixing yellow teeth? If Acobox performs well, I may use it all the time, for stock photos. I love the photo of the horse! lol.
Right now, the inventory looks limited. But they have some really great "archival" type stuff, like political cartoons, that I will love using.
If you like, take a peek. It's free!
Sounds like a cool site, but this comment is not about the site it's about you.
Congratulations – You’ve been tagged! That means you’re it. I got tagged by Stephen Baird the Nikon Sniper, so I answered all his questions and passed it on to you. This really can be some fun if you’ll play along. There are just a few questions to answer and you can see them - along with my answers -
by clicking here.
Thanks for sharing the site. I love using photos so this should be a good addition.