
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Well, I suppose that may be too harsh of a word for me right now. I haven't really been slacking... I've been busy, honest! I've been crazy busy, actually! It's just that some things sometimes fall by the wayside, and I have to go back and get them. Like my photo blog, I Love New York I hadn't updated it in a few months! Ugh! That's terrible!

You see, the theme I was using, while beautiful, was laborious to work with. I had to take photos, crop them to be a certain size, upload the photos, get a certain link, insert it in a custom field... and by then I was too pooped. Like hemorrhoid treatments, it was just TOO distasteful to work with and too much work. So I just quit that theme, and got a new theme for the blog. I really love it-- it's a Woo Themes theme, one of their free ones. I am becoming a Woo Themes fan, I tell ya. I now use Woo Themes on five of my blogs!

Anyway, if you are so inclined, feel free to visit my photo blog. It's kind of lonely. I am going to be handing the photo-shooting over to my daughter, who enjoys snapping photos. I enjoy writing, not photography as much. So it will be a nice blend of her colorful photos and my colorful narrative.

In other news... I've started up a few more blogs (yes!). I'm working very hard on The Older Geek, and I have another called Nifty Stuff I Like which is still developing. I'm hoping to get the children more involved with the writing aspects of the blogs, too.

Plus, this blog needs more updates from time to time, eh? I try to find interesting things that I see on the web... it's a fun hobby but leisure comes so little right now. If you find anything quirky or fun and worth posting about, be sure to contact me!

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