Snow Day in Upstate

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I was hoping we'd be seeing the green a little early this year. And we still just might, yet. But today is the big day of the "HURRICANE-LIKE POWERFUL SNOWSTORM"!!!!!! Look out below!! Here comes insurance marketing!! Shvels, SOLD OUT! People are boarding up their homes with plywood, stocking water!


Actually, it's *just* another Nor-easter for us. I hate how media sensationalizes everything. Sure, it's a "big" thing-- it's a good amount of snow, but we've seen (and survived!) much heavier snow in greater amounts. The snow is not so much a problem, but ice-storms are. Ice storms cripple a region. I hate ice. Snow-- snow is OK. Today I'll simmer beef stew all day, bake some bread, try to meet my deadlines for the articles I have to write, whew.

I did find some time to go outside and snap a few photos. It's snowing pretty good out there, and it's wet stuff, so I didn't want to risk taking out my nice camera; I used a Fuji point-and-shoot. Pardon the poor quality. Feel free to use your imagination.

I always take a pic of my Secret Garden. It's fun to compare the photos over the years, to see how it's developed.

Secret Garden Winter Wonderland

My beautiful Red Oak, bathed in white snow. Ahhhh.

Snowy Oak

The snowplows cometh.

Snowplow cometh

And this is just the beginning. We may get about 10 inches by tomorrow morning. Again, I don't think that's a LOT. I'm used to seeing 2-3 feet in a storm-- I grew up in the Snow Belt (west of Syracuse, NY) in the 70s. That was a year of phenomenal snow, and it's a snowy area, to boot.

Anyway, it's nice. It's quiet outside, and peaceful. That is, until the snowmobiles start whining up and down private property. I could throttle those idiots.

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