Something Beautiful: Handel's Messiah Meets the Mall
Monday, December 06, 2010
A group of shoppers at a typical American mall broke out into Handel's Messiah. The video was posted on YouTube. OMG it brought tears to my eyes!!
Yeah, yeah. So it was staged by a photography business. But so were the christmas trees! A couple of exceptional singers stood up in the middle of lunch in a food court, and started singing a piece from Handel's Messiah. What's amazing is that the people joined in! What a terrific, terrific video! To hear Jesus be praised as King of kings and Lord of lords in a mall! Woohooo!!!
To see more "Something Beautiful" posts, visit Renee's blog, A Glimpse of Beautiful!
This also was done at Macy's in Philadelphia I think. So nice to see things like this!!
I saw this one on Godtube! I thought it was funny how the first girl to sing pretended to be on her cell phone (the whole time!). I would never be able to keep a straight face singing like that in a mall of unsuspecting people! LOL
But that was pretty cool!