Trying to Make Some Deals

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sometimes a tourist attraction or hotel will sponsor a trip at a discount, sometimes they won't. Even though my website is incredibly popular and is the only one of its kind in New York State, it seems some companies are still very wary of the Internet as a means of advertising. These places seem determined to waste their thousands of dollars on colorful, beautiful, expensive brochures that no one ever reads.

I've made some really great deals lately, and folks in Central New York seem to be a little more open to Internet word-of-mouth. But in New York City? In the Finger Lakes? Not much.

We'll see what develops. I'm working hard to promote my talents and my website right now. We've only got 3 more months of travel season up here, and when the crowds start to to thin that's when I really like to travel. I'm hoping for a number of big trips before the year is out. I'll have more on that later.

How is your summer turning out? Have you done much traveling?

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