Do You Enjoy the Ride?

Monday, December 24, 2007

In these winter months, when travel trips are few and far between, I do a lot of thinking and planning about the trips for the future. Recently I've been mulling over the philosophy behind the travel itself, at least for our family.

You see, I've been finding all these great blog articles on traveling with kids, and the articles are very good. But I am a "niched" blogger that views traveling on a totally different level.

We are not destination travelers.

Our goal with traveling is not to "get to" to place to which we are traveling. Am I making sense? You know that old phrase, "Half the journey is getting there"? This applies to us a great deal.

I'll let my post at New York take it from here. I'll quote the very beginning to give you a taste of my thoughts:

I recently blogged about our visit to a boulder. I am astonished at how wildly popular it has been. It’s even been Stumbled and linked. It was just a visit to a boulder! I was marveling to my family about it. During the course of our discussion, it occurred to me that we are rather unique travelers.

At the dinner table this evening, I was asking the children (I have four, ranging in ages from 11 to 17) what they liked best about traveling. I was thinking of writing a blog article about how to travel with kids. But as we talked about our experiences over our baked ziti and bread and butter, it became clear that the children enjoyed our adventures during the car trip more than the distractions to make the trip bearable. In a nutshell, I guess you could say we enjoy the ride.

You can read the entire article here, at Enjoy the Ride. Add your thoughts and tell me what you think. What makes traveling important to you, and why do you do it? I'd love to hear.

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