2012: Pressing Forward
Friday, December 30, 2011
I've never been much for New Year's resolutions. I like to make new ones all throughout the year. :) Some I keep and some I don't, but I can't make them all on one day and expect to remember them all throughout the year, LOL!!!
But I saw a video on Facebook titled "How to Make 2012 an Awesome Year" and it made me curious. It's a rather long video, but I snuggled with the cat and we watched it together.
I think Mr. Brown's message was what I needed to hear today. I've been feeling a little low about my career, my jobs. I can turn this situation around for good, if I've got the right attitude. I know I can certainly draw nearer to God more. As a busy working mom, my time has been precious and I don't dedicate enough time to Bible reading and prayer. I am concerned about the bills and the debt on the house projects, but I cast those cares upon God since He cares for me (that's from 1 Peter 5:7). I do my best and He'll take care of the rest (that's from an old Keith Green song, "He'll Take Care of the Rest." lol)
ANYWAY, I have made a New Year's resolution-- just one. From this resolution springs all other resolutions-- draw nearer to God and TRUST HIM for His help. It's a marvelous thing to have peace in your mind and in your heart. A great thing. Money cannot buy such a thing.
How is your New Year looking? Have you made any resolutions yet?
I try not to make New Year resolutions, it's too much pressure and I never keep them anyway.
I try to regard each day as a new beginning, and do the best I can with it.