An Anniversary Has Come and Gone

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Holy cow, this blog has been "on air" for FOUR years! I realized (a little late) that my blog anniversary has come and gone! I started this blog on July 15, 2006: In the Beginning. It really seems like it was many, many years ago-- but it was only four years! So much has happened since then. It's really hard to believe.

This blog began as a hobby blog, an outlet and a journal for our travels. I kinda started midway-- we'd been traveling for a number of years before I got the brainy idea to share it with you.

I am now a professional blogger. It all started by accident. Our income had taken a nose dive with the New York economy, and I needed work. I started writing posts for a company, and it expanded into several companies.

I learned a LOT along the way. When I began blogging, I knew very little about using a computer or creating web design or anything! Through much time, tears, and screaming, I learned.

I found old screenshots of this blog way back when. Whoa, talk about retro!!

This was when Blogspot bloggers had to code everything ourselves, about as comprehensive and technical as auto shop software-- and no easy-peasy template designer back then, either!

Sometime in 2008, I wanted to get my "own" space to keep a log of our travels, so I created I pondered whether I should keep this old blog. It had acquired lots of interest from travelers and other websites... I decided to keep it on as a more personal type of blog, touching on lifestyle topics as well as extraneous stuff from our traveling. I'm glad I did.

Four years! Wow! Thanks for reading!! :D You've helped make it a blast.

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